Free Training

Consistent $10k months for Dog Trainers. Because financial stability isn’t something you have to “earn”. And it allows you the time and money to be helping more people and dogs, while giving you a balance to spend time with your own dogs and families.

No really, I'm not bullshitting you with that title.

I know 100% that it is possible to earn $10K every month with your dog training business (and even more!) I know that because I did it, and my clients are doing it. If I didn’t believe it then I wouldn’t talk about it. I wouldn’t have created a coaching program for dog trainers like you who want to grow their business and turn it into one that is fully thriving rather than having to struggle with one that’s not doing what you want it to.

I’ve done it. I’ve been there. I’ve got the T-shirt.

And now I help other trainers get there.

My clients have the flexibility to fit their business around their life (aka a work/life balance - what’s that you might ask, well it’s this thing we’re supposed to have as people before capitalism told us our entire value came from the work we did.) 

They can now spend more time with their family and friends and their heart-and-soul dogs, rather than spending all their time on 1 to 1 training sessions and group classes.

When they set up their business they way THEY want, each month they have more money without having to work more, and (hugely importantly) more stable income. No more feast and famine as a way of life.

They also have the time they want to spend with their dogs and families, to be able to be there with aging heart and soul dogs, spending that quality time together that we only get once.

They learn to trust themselves more, their knowledge, skills, capacity and figure-shit-out-ablity.

If any of that is something YOU want from your dog training business too, then it means you’ve come to the right place and you’re exactly where you need to be in order to progress your dog training business and start taking charge of your business.

I started a dog walking business way back when and then moved into to dog training. I did that for over 15 years (how time flies!)

But … and hear me out … I was dog-tired. P.S. Sorry, not sorry for all the dog-related puns coming your way …

My business set-up back then involved me being in front of my clients and their dogs day in and day out conducting 1 to 1 training sessions and group classes every day. Now, I’m sure you’re thinking that that’s what dog training is all about, but I’m here to ask you … is it really? 

I’m sorry to bite you in the butt, but that’s just not going to work in this day and age anymore. It’s not going to make you the money you need in your business to ensure you thrive and are comfortable in life. Especially if you’re ND in any way. There was too much pressure on me to deliver at 100% capacity every single day.

If I got sick, or one of my dogs got sick, then I had to make the choice between myself or my dogs and my clients. I’d have to miss out on earning my income in order to take a day off because I was exhausted and running on fumes. I couldn’t do it all. 

Something had to give …

I wanted to spend time with my own dog and my own family and not spend all day every day on my business. I needed that work/life balance and that’s when I realised and learnt what I needed to do in order to take control of my business. 

I decided to stop dragging the leash behind me and pick it up instead. (Ha, I crack me up sometimes).

I needed an online component. I needed an automated system in place where I didn’t have to be there 100% of the time in order to help my clients (as much as I loved my clients, I was getting a little sick of seeing them every day!). I needed time with my dog because I knew my mental health as well as my physical health was going to suffer otherwise. I was fed up with having ruff days …

I lost my heart and soul dog, Piper, in April 2022 (Read more about her and our journey here). I’m still grieving today, but losing her made it stand out even more how much I wanted to help other dog trainers set up and take control of their own businesses too, because it gave me the time with her all throughout her life and at the end, and gave me the time I needed to grieve. She pushed me out of my comfort zone all the time, making my life better, without even realising it.

You might be surprised to read this … but not all humans are good and not all humans should be your client. Let me tell you something … I worked with everyone and anyone who needed my help with their dogs and that meant I wasn’t selective about who I worked with. I worked with some clients who really should have NEVER had a dog just because I needed their money to survive. I won’t lie.

I’m here to tell you that you shouldn’t have to say yes to every single person who comes your way. I needed my own niche, and most importantly, I needed to fall back in love with dog training and so do you.

And this free training is the perfect place for you to start.

I’m not dogshitting you with that title either. It’s not a gimmick and it’s not false advertising. How do I know this? Because I’ve done it. I’ve worked my sweet boney-ass off on my business. Yes, I’ve made every mistake in the book. I’ve sometimes thrown the rule book out the fucking window, set it on fire or torn it to shreds and I’ve built my business exactly how I want it to be. I now have that perfect work/life balance that works for me and am comfortable with the income coming in so I don’t have to stress every day about where my next paycheck is coming from or who my next client is going to be.

And my clients are doing it.

And I can help you do the same.

During this training, I’ll take you through creating an online component (not an online course, there's a difference!), and the importance of having a sales and marketing strategy where you don’t have to rely on word of mouth. I’ll also talk about the value and importance of understanding your niche and by this I mean … you DON’T have to work with every single person who comes to you for dog training. You need a niche. You need to know where to go to find your ideal client and what they want and what they look like.

I also break it down for you and show you what it looks like in a traditional and typical dog training business where trainers are doing 1 to 1s and group classes because that’s the main way most dog trainers run their businesses. 

I break down the number of clients you’d need and at what price in order to consistently have those high-profit months while doing 1 to 1s and group classes. What your marketing needs to look like to reach new clients and the number of people you need to be reaching to do that. Trust me, I’ve tried it all and I was barking up the wrong tree. It’s a lot and nearly impossible to reach every month without breaking your back, like the time I tried to down a downward dog … long story … let’s move on …

But then … and this is where it gets interesting … I’ll explain what I teach on my 12-month program and how having a blended business (a combination of online teaching and face-to-face teaching) can actually make things a hell of a lot easier to reach those 10K months with a lot less effort involved. It will feel like a dog walk in the park compared to hauling ass up a mountain with a border collie strapped to your back (never actually happened, just an analogy!)

With a blended program you get to provide your clients with so much more value. Plus, you can charge more at the same time (because we’re fucking worth it! New L’Oréal slogan, anyone?)

Breaking it down into treat size pieces

Okay, so you might be thinking that sounds like a lot of work and a lot of effort. Yes, my program is 12 months long and that’s because it takes time to do all this shit. 

You wouldn’t expect your clients to learn and chance behaviour overnight, would you?

Together, we break it down into bite-sized pieces and work on individual areas of your business bit by bit.

  • We look at your current business plan and make heads and tails of everything you already have set up. Then we plan ahead for a long-term, sustainable and scalable business moving forwards. It doesn’t matter if you have a brand new business or need it restructuring, or even if you have another full-time job and are wanting to make that scary leap into a full-time business owner instead. I’ll help you figure out where you are and where you want to be, and help you get there.

  • Going virtual! There’s no way around it. The online world is HUGE and it’s where your dog training business needs to be in order to keep growing and thriving. Even if the world shuts down (you remember 2020, right?), you can still do business without losing that human connection or sacrificing results (in fact blended programs have been shown to give about 4 x BETTER results).

  • Finding your speciality and your niche (and yes they are 2 different things) is a big part of creating your business. No two dog trainers are the same. Your perfect client might be different from someone else’s and, trust me, there are plenty of dog owners out there for everyone. Maybe you only want to work with Chihuahuas (more power to you!) or maybe you only want to train puppies (in which case you must have the patience of a freaking saint).

    So, let me help you figure out your speciality and your niche - find those ideal clients so you can feel excited about your business again, get the clients you want and help them the way you want to. Trust me, you’ll be having a ball!

  • Marketing and sales are the bit everyone struggles with. I get it. I’ve struggled with it myself in the past. I call it “sales with ease (without the sleaze)”. I’ll teach you how to connect with your ideal clients in a way that resonates with them and converts, making you stand out from the crowd.

  • How many times have you backed out of something that could be huge for you or your business, but your head said no? Sometimes, we need to tell ourselves to get out of our own fucking way. All the information I will teach you isn’t going to help if you can’t put it into action because you’re too stuck inside your own head. I’ll give you the confidence in yourself (as well as some actionable skills and tools to help you get there) to get out of your head and into your work/life balance!

In my 12-month coaching program, I teach you how to think differently about your business. So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and take action right now so you can change your dog training business for the better.

And you can start by getting your free training below and learning how to have consistent $10K months!