Roadmap to Success for Dog Trainers

Work with me

You know you’re a good trainer. You have mostly satisfied, happy clients. You feel good about how you help people and their dogs. Maybe you even have a waitlist. You get a lot of referrals. You make okay money. You work mostly with pretty good people.

But you’re tired.

  • Tired of working as much as you do, of having such limited time with your own dogs and family.

  • Tired of driving all over the city to see clients. Tired of last minute cancellations.

  • Tired of the doubting voice in your head telling you that while your clients are happy, you know that you can help them get even better results, even if you’re not quite sure what or how.

  • That waitlist means you are having to turn people away, because there’s only so many hours in a day to see clients, right? And because you’re already so busy seeing clients, you’re tired of the sheer amount of work you have to do in your “downtime” to do the things in your business that you really don’t like doing anyway (looking at you social media content!).

  • Tired of the low level anxiety that whispers in your ear that maybe next month won’t be as good a month, and then what?

  • You’re also a little concerned because referrals don’t seem to be as consistant as they once were. You’re still getting calls, but definitely not as many as you used to.

  • You’d love to have to more time to spend training your own dogs.

  • You don’t remember the last time you took a proper vacation (you know the one, where you don’t check emails or respond to client texts, in fact you don’t even think about work - yeah that unicorn). And not having to work evenings and weekends any more would be a dream come true.

  • You’d love to be able to help more dogs and people, but hiring other trainers really doesn’t appeal to you. You like the solopreneur-ness of your business. You just wish it didn’t take quite as much out of you as it does. Especially the longer you’ve been in business.

  • Having a better handle and more control over your marketing would sure alleviate some of that anxiety.

  • Working from home (or from bed if that’s your ND comfort zone - it’s mine! Hell, you don’t even have to get dressed if you don’t want to) when you want to AND in person, face to face with your clients when you want to.

  • Being able to choose which hours work best for you to work (did you know we all have different times of the day that we individually function better at and we’re NOT all designed to be up at stupid o’clock in the morning). Spend your evenings curled up on the couch cuddling with you people and dogs. Or in a freezing cold barn doing dog sport stuff. The choice is yours!

  • Knowing EXACTLY what you’re going to be earning for 6 months at a time would eliminate that underlying stress about your monthly money going up and down like a dog racing around an agility course.

  • Turning clients away because they aren’t a good fit for you, NOT because you don’t have the space to fit them in anymore elimates both the stomach dropping nauseous feeling of having to go and see a client you really don’t want to work with while at the same time erases the guilt you feel having to say no to people you really want to work with or adding in an extra session or an extra class to your already overloaded schedule because you can’t bear to not help them.

Somewhere in your brain something is nudging you, telling you that there HAS to be a better way. Maybe you even recognise that somehow adding something online or the other might help. Then you shut that down because “clients don’t want online” right?

This is where I come in. In two ways. Firstly to remind you that this isn’t a “you” problem. Nor is it just normal small business (or dog business) ownership. It’s an industry problem. A business model problem. Which means (and this is the second part) that there’s absolutely something you can do about it.

Now changing a business model sounds really daunting. Who the fuck has the time or energy for that?? I hear you. And also, it’s a lot less time and energy intensive than it sounds. When we break it down into smaller pieces (hmmm…now where have you heard that before?)

Ready to find out how to make that change in a manageable way that doesn’t require you to work HARDER, but rather shifting what you’re focusing and working on. With help, support and guidance from someone who has done exactly that?

Book a call with me and lets do that for you.

What we do together

How to add an online component

Another online course isn’t going to help anyone. But combining online learning with your face-to-face brilliance, now that’s where the magic happens. I teach you how to do that, while minimizing tech overwhelm and overloading your clients, for the best results and least stress for everyone. Plus all the fun stuff like how to price it, where to host it, how to edit the videos, what your in person component should like - all the things that swamp your brain when you think about shifting to blended programs.

What you do & who you help

Offering something for everyone is the fastest route to burnout. Specialising (what you do) makes marketing easier, allows you to charge more, helps more people and dogs, streamlines your CEU (time and money) budget and gets better results for your clients. Working with niche clients (who you help) increases results, decreases imposter syndrome, makes you more money while actually helping more (instead of trying to convince people that you can help them). I teach you how to figure out and implement both!

Sales & Marketing

Marketing can suck. Do you really need to spend a gazillion hours on social media? How do you get organic reach? Where are your people hanging out and how tf do you get in front of them?? Don’t worry, I’ve got you. Marketing strategy, sales training (that isn’t sleazy) and removing the overwhelm from it all.

Personal Growth

When we grow personally, our business grows too, it can’t not. We are our business and we shouldn’t be trying to separate the two. Now I’m not here to use toxic bullshit (no shaming, blaming or attacking how your brain works or your fears here). Just ways to help you figure out what needs to shift in your thinking to be able to go and do the magical things you want to do in your business, for dogs, people and yourself.


Dog Biz Collective